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w your back 


yup, im back

I did'nt posted a lot due to work reasons but the monday im going to post a devlog showing a couple of thing im working on

thank you so much for keep interest in my little project :b

You’re welcome your game has so much potential. Im excited for that dev log


Hopefully the next update is soon.

hello, I have good and bad news for you

the bad ones is that the next update is still going to take some time until release because i wanted to add and change a lot of thing in this new update, and also i'm working in other little project in paralel that also consumes some of my time

and the good ones is that when I finish the new update, it will have thing like some original songs,  the whole underground dungeon area, all the default assets from rpg maker replaced, and if everything goes acording to the plan the first animated cutscene

thank you so much for stay tuned and show your interest in my project :D


Sounds good can’t wait till you update great game you have here 👍🏽


oh god it's fear and hunger...but with more bleeding butts


Will there be any sex scenes, including maybe futa?


there are going to be sex scenes in the game, If there are going to be futa scenes I haven't thought about it yet but I don't rule it out


I just tried the game and i cant really have an opinion on it. But i will check its progress as it seems to have a bit of potential. hopefully the game breaking bug is fixed next update.

Hello, thanks for commenting, did you find a bug that breaks the game in the most recent version of the game?

if yes, please tell me where so i can fix it as soon as possible


Its when the crow does the dual slash it instantly breaks the game

Fixed, It was an RPG Maker export error that deleted what it didn't mean and I don't know why I didn't notice it, but now it's completely playable, with that resolved, I would like you to play the game and give me your actual opinion if that's okay 


I can't seem to beat the crow, it does quite a bit of damage. Ima see if I can somehow beat it then give my opinion.

you can attack to the claws and prevent her to hurt you


Yeah i cant beat the crow it does half my health with one move.


Ight i beat it. Is the gate the ending of the game?

you can go to the left and find another corridor whit cells where you can talk with a man, then if go to the left even more you will find another  crow maiden and a gate that is the end of this version

if you enjoyed this short alpha please stay tuned, in the next build a plan to add the zone that is supposed to be behind that door as well as new enemys and a mini boss


I made it to the end of the game. Its certainly interesting and I see a lot of progression and potential in this game its pretty nice so far so i expect to see a lot of good things. Will there be actual sex scenes in this game?

yes, i plan to include actual sex scenes in the future


Well somehow some way you broke RPG Maker MV, within the first minute of the game the Crow Maiden uses dual attack and that cause the game to freeze because it can't find Stateup.

Yes, I know that I can sidestep the issue using thunder, but it doesn't bode well if within the first encounter the game just has a chance to freeze.

Also, there's no way to go back when you go into the room with blood everywhere with the little knife.

Finally, there's being inspired by Fear and Hunger, and just wholesale taking the background and making the first enemy it's most iconic monster. Also, I'm pretty that sitting pose is just ripped from the game as well. Look I'll give you the benefit of the doubt your not trying a scam, but like you might want to let this cook in the oven for a little while longer.


hello, I realy appreciate that you took the time to write this because you made me realize a couple of things that  without your coment i probably would never have noticed about

about the crow maiden i dont know why does that happen because i never had that error when i was testing the game but, is obviously that was my fault for not testing enough, i'm going to fix that in the next version for sure

about the bloody room also my bad, player is no supossed to go back yet and i just totally forgot about putting a way back

and finally about the fear and hunger assets, yes, my game is inspired by fear and hunger and i took a lot of fear and hunger assets as placeholders, the sitting pose is just a recolor of cahara and if something looks taken fron fear and hunger it's because it is, i  credited miro in the final screen but i will understand if you just stoped playing and didn't see it

right now im working on my own original material to replace all the rpg maker default assets and things that i stole from miro, my plan for the next build is to totally re-skin the game as well as add new content like the totality of the underground dungeon, one mini boss, more enemies and other things, also if you have any opinion about the assets of my  autorship that i already put on the game don't hesitate to make a comment

and to finish, thank you for giving me your confidence and sorry for the confusion, i don't try to scam anybody, im just stupid