Hi, i'm back to develop this

Hi everybody, first of all I want to thank to anyone who's still interested in my project after all this time

First of all I want to say sorry for the delay in news about the next update, some irl problems happened and I also wanted to start a second project in paralel that didn't work as expected, but i'm alright now and i'm fully focusen on this for now on

I cant talk about dates about when the next build is going to be ready, mainly because I don't know it myself, but what I can actually promise is to make devlogs to keep you all informed about my progress, also i'm not going to publish the next build until I have everything that I already promised ready

I want to apologize again and thank you all who take the time for read these text, I attach some screencaps so you all can confirm that i'm actually working on something, isn't a lot, but its something

Also one more thing, i'm disabling the option to send me money until new notice, I don't feel comfortable having that option active in a project that isn't worth it yet, and ironically I feel grateful that no one has decided to give me a penny yet, otherwise I would feel very guilty

Get As dark as you

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