migrating the projecto to godot and why it's taking too long

hi everyone, this devlog was programed to published almost a mont ago but due to work reasons I can't did it in time and then I forgot (ups).

this devlog was originally suposed to show that the new section of the dungeon is almost finished and also show a couple of sketches of enemies i'm going to implement in the next build but,,, things happened, a lot of things happened between the original date and today, i'm experiencing some werid things on my life right now and I want to explain you all why is this thing taking a lot of time

first of all, I just don't feel like drawing, and not just for the game, I just don't feel like drawing at all, not even for my other social media accounts or for myself, zero, and IT FEELS LIKE SHIT!, I don't like this feeling at all, I hate it because I LOVE creating things, I love it so much and the fact that I don't enjoy it anymore hits my mood like a train, and if that wasn't enough I also run out of ideas to write the story or to imagine new enemys and i'm super frustrated right now.

once that said, I used all the time that I could spend drawing in other artistic disciplines and learning other skills, I tried a lot of thing in order to recover my passion for drawing and it worked a bit but I still don't want to even look at my tablet lol, but in these time, I learned a lot of thing about music production and most importantly, I learned to use godot, after some devepment time I realized that I actually don't like to work with rpg maker for my personal projects, I can use it to work is someone else's projects but not in mines, I always have a lot of ideas and rpg maker just falls short very quickly and I don't want to just make a soulless fear and hunger clon, so I decided to migrate the game to godot engine, this way I can have more artistic freedom without worring for engine limitations lol

and to finish with all this, I want to thank to the few people who will take him time to read this, to read all my shit, thank you all so much. The develop is going to be slow and I don't know when my head is going to let me go forward so, I just want to tell you all that I'm not going to cancel this or something like that, the project is not on hiatus, but, this will take some time

sorry for the delay again and see you next time :b

Get As dark as you


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Hey man the aristic block hits everyone at some time or the other, no worries.  I am interested to see what your doing and the enemy your making there looks cool. 


thank you, your words mean a lot to me right now